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Nowadays companies are talking about diversity. They want to prove to the public they embrace diversity and have made inclusivity one of their core values. Before we continue unravelling our thoughts, let's think for a bit. What is currently defined as diversity and inclusivity? --- Diversity: the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc. Inclusivity:  the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those having physical or mental disabilities or belonging to other minority groups. --- In a perfect society, diversity and inclusion would mean letting any person enter, or the chance to enter, a group of people. In such a world, we would not even think, nor be preoccupied, of other people's color, way of dressing, sexual orientation, gender, among many many others....

BOTTEGA VENETA SS21 FASHION COLLECTION | FASHION DESIGNER Daniel Lee | A discreet injection of pure luxury | OutLoud

Fashion brand Bottega Veneta, SS21 collection by Daniel Lee. A world where you don't have to scream to be loud!

Bottega Veneta. Could I Iove it more?

Just watched Salon 01 London. Late? Ehh...

The voice of the the narrator... The things she was saying... The way she was saying them... 

Sensual. Contemporary. Human.

'More loving and accepting of myself.' 
'Beauty can be so many things.'
'My friend has the best nipples.' Suuuree... 😄

Clothes are more than clothes. They are the means to channel and provoke emotions. Can feel confident in them. Bold. Sexy. Hot. Inside and outside the house.

'Stillness and Quiet can also be quite Loud.' 

The essence of Bottega Venetta in a sentence. Discreet, silent and yet so strong. Luxury is not something to shout out about. Luxury is luxury. It is something you can sense when it exists. No words, no logos are much needed. Quality and creativity speak on their own. Beauty.

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